Sustainable mobility throughout Europe


  • E-commerce
  • Branding
  • Marketing

What we changed for the better

Fastned, a pioneer in the development of fast charging stations powered by solar and wind energy, offers stations where any type of electric vehicle can be charged at high speed. We have supported them at every stage of their growth, resulting in a network of over 1,000 charging stations at strategic prime locations both domestically and internationally. This wide availability encourages electric driving, thereby contributing to the growth of sustainable mobility and the reduction of CO2 emissions.


Building trust with governments and investors

Through impact strategy, inclusive design and ethical technology, we helped Fastned grow from a startup to a scale-up.

In the initial phase, we focused on building a reliable image by developing a website that attracted governments, partners, and investors. At this stage, it was a simple, functionally oriented website.

User-friendly investment platform

In the next phase, as the market began to recognize the potential of electric driving, it was time to appeal to private investors. To attract more growth capital, we developed the AFM-compliant, user-friendly investment platform Fastned Bonds. This platform allows investors to buy and manage bonds, saving Fastned up to 25% on support and administration costs, which could then be reinvested in further growth.

In February 2024, Fastned completed the fourteenth round of its bond program, bringing the total outstanding investments from private investors to over €180 million. The involvement of these investors strengthens Fastned's position as an independent player among the major oil companies.

Investment platform Fastned Bonds

A recognizable brand enabling new growth phases

Following its success in the Netherlands, Fastned aimed for European expansion. We created a recognizable consumer brand with a visual style that highlights Fastned's core mission: accelerating the electric revolution by providing excellent service. The focus in developing the charging screens was on user experience and accessibility in both design and communication.

The branding, characterized by simplicity and a striking yellow color, underscores Fastned’s mission: distinctive and super easy to use. This strong design foundation supports Fastned’s future growth phases.
